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Mantiscope - Sector: Health tech


Mantiscope is an innovative service combining cloud-based software and hardware to revolutionize blood sample analysis using artificial intelligence and image processing technologies. This advanced system aims to transform traditional diagnostic methods for blood-related conditions such as blood cancer, anemia, thalassemia, and malaria, which are often costly and time-consuming.

Mantiscope’s key features include:

  • Rapid Diagnosis: Reduces the diagnostic process to just 10 minutes.
  • Centralized Data: Centralizes all diagnostic data in a secure cloud system.
  • Global Access: Allows hematology experts worldwide to access and analyze data.
  • Cost Reduction: Aims to lower diagnostic costs significantly.
  • Standardization: Addresses issues related to the standardization of documentation, data storage, and sharing.

Moreover, Mantiscope is affordable enough to be distributed to rural areas, where access to diagnostic services is limited due to the lack of hematologists. This is particularly crucial as 70% of deaths from blood cancer occur in rural regions. By providing hospitals in these areas with Mantiscope, we aim to bridge the gap in healthcare access and improve patient outcomes.

The main value proposition is to eliminate the disparity in diagnostic services by equipping rural hospitals with Mantiscope, ensuring that timely and accurate diagnoses are accessible to all.

Sector: Health tech
Country: Turkey
Maturity: Pre-industrialization
Pilots: 5: Hacettepe University, Tobb Etu, Hospital Clinic (Barcelona), Tuseb.
Nº of workers: 5

Capital raised: 0€
Company Valuation: 2,5 M€
Open Round: Yes

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